It's been awhile since I blogged.
But I'm resurrecting my personal blog to document this upcoming year.
If you read the post from my jewelry blog you saw that I will be turning 35 this year.
35 cue panic!!
This has been my "scary single-girl age" for quite sometime. Why? For a number of reasons I won't get into lest I start to hyperventilate.
But I've been surprised to discover that as my birthday grows ever nearer, I'm feeling more and more excited to move forward! So to celebrate this change of attitude, I'm doing 35 things that I've wanted to do but have scared me to do ... with some things I just want to do thrown in for fun.
This list isn't complete just yet, but a few of the items on it are:
1. Do my first marathon (MidMountain Trail Marathon September 8th!)
2. Do an Xterra outside of Utah
3. Join a master's swim team
4. Complete a half ironman
5. Give my number to a guy I don't know but think is cute
So stay tuned! This is going to be the most scarily awesome year yet!
6 years ago